Tiiiirrred basenjis

Professor had another handling lesson yesterday. We did a lot of work on the table. He tends to be very resistant to having his various body parts moved, so my homework is to get him to relax and “give” to light pressure. Just in the lesson, he started letting go, so by next week he should be fairly “stackable”. We also worked on his down-and-backs, and having him go ahead of me to the judge. That’s coming along nicely, too. And he gaited very well. Bless his little heart.

Today we went over to Ruth’s for another swimming session. The life vest almost fits Professor, and (she found out, to her dismay) fits Amelia perfectly. Professor had three short swimming sessions, with me holding the vest, and it was a real workout for him. Amelia was so interested in the canned cheese he was getting that we gave her a couple of turns as well. No pix, since Ruth and I were in the pool with the dogs. Of course, they both had to run and roll in the dirt to get that nasty water off themselves, but they were both perfectly clean by the time we got home. Love those wash-and-wear dogs! Now they’re sound asleep. Swimming is HARD WORK, say the basenjis.

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